
See what customers are saying about our small group tours. Find out what makes a trip memorable and what they learned from the tour leaders and guides.

Darwin in Wales

"The Snowdonia walk was the highlight, beautiful and peaceful and incredibly interesting regarding the rock geology.

I would never have thought I would be interested in slate but I loved the museum and the talk by the Ceramicist was fascinating. Her work was brilliant.

The South Stack visit was another gem and I was fortunate to see some puffins." - Georgina H, May 2024

"Michael Roberts is a gem and I really valued his experience and insights.  You will have to bottle him for the future. You don’t have to be a Darwin fanatic, but it helps.  Also, be prepared to have some of your misconceptions challenged – and that is what science is all about!  A pleasant ramble through the North Wales countryside – with a purpose." - Jim M, May 2024

"I was very satisfied with the whole tour – good value for money and I thoroughly enjoyed myself." - Ken B, May 2024

Best bits? "Castell Dinas Bran – the walk, the views, the geology and the rare purple orchids  

Llyn Idwal – the walk, the Devil’s Kitchen and the general geology 

South Stack – the walk, the geology and (possibly) 5 puffins  

…….and, of course, Pant Du!!!. Food at Ty’n Rhos hotel was excellent. Rob and Michael complemented each other well and could take healthy teasing! No way you could improve on the team leaders for this trip." - Peter H, May 2024

"My best bits were: -

  • The majesty and beauty of the North Walian landscape in general, but also that of the specific places we visited such as Castell Dinas Brân, Cwm Idwal, and the open country beyond the Cwt-y-Bugail slate quarry.  
  • Following a detective trail. 
  • Serpentine!  Surely one of the earth’s most heroic rocks, with its journey from the very depths to the light of day. 
  • Seeing puffins. 

Michael’s encyclopaedic knowledge of Darwin’s North Walian itinerary and the insights he gave us into how he had pieced the evidence together, combined with Rob’s ability to explain all the related geology, even to the geologically illiterate like me, was an ideal “double act”. - Rowena S, May 2024


Isles of Scilly Holidays - Small Group Guided Tour

The whole experience was great as a taster for the Isles of Scilly – I enjoyed the small boat trips more, the larger ones less so. I really liked St Agnes 

I enjoyed exploring St Mary’s and finding gems like the community garden, Penninis Head, and the amazing crab sandwich and view from Juliet’s garden. 

I appreciated the small group size"   - Alison J, April 2024

"Best bits were visiting St. Agnes, being taken round the Abbey Gardens, Tresco, the talks and guided walks. Organisation was excellent, as were meals at the hotel.  A very good introduction to the Scillies, particularly when the sun shone!" - Judy C, April 2024

"The visit to Tresco was my highlight and the purpose of going to the Scillies.   Having the head gardener to guide us was a great bonus.   And a dry day! (Enjoyed) staying in a good hotel, in a very comfortable small castle room with views out to sea.  Also, seeing the way of life of islanders, flower growing, and talking to locals including Jess and the couple, retired divers, who had dinner with us." - Francoise F, April 2024

"There were no disappointments.  Best things were the hotel, hotel food, and visiting Abbey Gardens in Tresco, and they speak for themselves I particularly commend the leader Pam who we all felt was marvellous,  also the additional (local) person who guided some trips, Jess, who was interesting and helpful." - Rosemary Y, April 2024

From the Rockies to the Badlands: The Geology and Dinosaurs of Alberta, Canada

“The tour was a great success for us. We do not normally do tours as they are often too “touristy”. This tour was a bit like taking an advanced class that was fun and enjoyable throughout.” - Jeanine S, 2024

“I thoroughly enjoyed this fun and educational tour; I got to take a great many photos of spectacular scenery and it was just the right length. I recommend it to anyone seeking a vacation that combines an educational experience with hiking in beautiful scenery.” - Dan S, 2024

“The tour was outstanding. I would love if you can get Jon to lead a “part 2”, for those of us who would like more. Due to this tour, I will take other tours by GeoCultura!” - Terri P, 2024

"[Our favourite parts were] Dinosaur Provincial Park and the Lewis Thrust, but really it was the care, preparation and enthusiasm that you, Sue and Jon have put into the tour that made it special." - Cherie T, 2023

"In this landscape, through the eyes of an expert, you see the world in four dimensions. You can interpret the landscape to see how mountains rise, rivers shape their environment and sea levels rise and fall. The joy is that once pointed out, it is completely obvious and difficult to unsee. I think the museum and dinosaur park were probably the highlights, but frankly each day was interesting in a different way. My most memorable moment was the first time we got out of the bus, walked 20m and saw the (Lewis) Thrust…" - Mark E, 2023

"The best bit was Dinosaur Provincial Park. Visiting the site with such a knowledgeable and experienced paleontologist as a guide was a unique experience. Also the fossils at Moraine Lake.  Thought-provoking findings, thanks to the explanations and very nice view." - Angel M, 2023

"I thought the tour was excellent, well-organised and well-led. I knew the Rockies would be beautiful, but the Badlands were a revelation! Highly recommended." - Julia D, 2023

"The Lewis Thrust was the most astonishing sight, the 'OMG' moment on the trip.  Having time to see the two magnificent lakes went a long way toward satisfying the aesthetic hopes for the trip, especially having time for a nice stroll along Lake Louise.  The dinosaur bones – both the big ones and the little bits that we could find ourselves – changed the dinosaurs from semi-mythical creatures to actual wildlife, that I could begin to think of similarly to the way I think of the critters I see when I’m hiking. 

"The leader and manager really could not have been better. Jon is such a terrific teacher and his enthusiasm is really stimulating. His drawings were extremely helpful in making things understandable. Bob managed the logistics, large and small, with all the skill of a first-rate professional, was endlessly courteous, and contributed a great deal to the discussions." - Pat H, 2023

The Fascinating Landforms and Fossil Treasures of England’s Jurassic Coast

"My 12 year old son and I had the most amazing 3 days on the Jurassic Coastline. Staying at Morton's Manor in Corfe was a wonderful experience - friendly staff, amazing food and views of the stunning Corfe Castle! We then got to visit Lyme Regis with our friendly and experienced guide, Jonathan, and learnt so much about the area and history, with the bonus of finding fossils millions of years old! One happy son indeed!

"We had a wonderful walk and finished with visiting the must-see museum in Lyme Regis. We also got to see Lulworth Cove which was fascinating and absolutely worth a visit. I can highly recommend GeoCultura Tours who have given us a wonderful and informative insight into geology." - Katherine M, July 2023

"My GeoCultura tour was amazing. I have been on dozens of tours, but never one so geared to my love of geology. And this was one of the few that promised much and actually delivered on those promises. Not only did I have a great time exploring the geology of the Jurassic Coast, but I learned so much about the history of this fascinating area as well.

"Jonathan, our guide, was very knowledgeable about the geology of the Jurassic Coast region, but more importantly made it accessible to me, who's only had one class in geology. And the fossil hunting on the beach was like the best Easter Egg Hunt I've ever been on! I found three pyrite ammonites! Added to this fun was great tours of the historical sites nearby because as they say, the geology of an area is and wonderful meals of locally sourced food. A truly wonderful three-day sustainable tour that taught me how geology shapes history." - Jenny S, March 2023

"I thought the week was excellent; very interesting and with good variation in the days activities and not overdosing on any one activity.  I liked the flexibility shown by taking in Kingston Lacey which nicely completed the Corfe Castle and Lady Bankes story. The information and guiding was excellent - at a good level for everyone with supplemental detail where requested - by lunchtime of the first day it felt like an outing of friends and that’s pretty special!" - David M, March 2023

“The leader, Jonathan, was super-knowledgeable,  but wasn’t at all dry or intimidating!  The days flew by, it was so interesting, lots of fun and I really got the sense of being part of a living, breathing place. Fossil hunting was definitely a highlight, as was our pit stop at The Square & Compass, with some of the best views in Dorset.” - BR, July 2022

"What a wonderful experience! The guides were wonderfully informed and responded enthusiastically to all of my many questions. I must book a return trip with my Grandsons!" - Steve W, July 2022

"What a great way to explore the Jurassic Coastline and meet like-minded people in the process. The guide's knowledge was so interesting and I found out so much. I’ll be recommending this to my friends and I’ll be coming back to do another trip." - Denise W, July 2022

A Desert Adventure: Landscapes and Cultures of Utah, USA

"This trip was like none other. Exploring the region of southeastern Utah is magical. In places the landscape fools you into thinking you are on another planet, and yet at the same time the history of the earth and the ancient people comes alive as the tour guide weaves together the stories of geology, archaeology, and the mysteries of the petroglyphs.

"The days are filled with so many gems of discovery. It’s hard to decide what the best part is - stunning rock art, magnificent landscapes, or learning how all the parts come together. I choose all of them." - JCD, April 2023

"The tour was just magic. The visits and particularly the extra people you got to interact with us were first class, not to mention the wonderful places we stayed in - routing around in Bluff was so good. Great itinerary from Russell on the route back to Denver - St Elmo Ghost town was wonderful!" - Sally M, September 2023

"[The best bits were] driving through those huge formations, especially the Swell and the Ridge and recognising them for what they were. Putting a picture together of the land and the people. The visit to the Edge of the Cedars Museum and having so much time with the curator; fantastic collection too." - Sandy C-S, September 2023

"I couldn't possibly narrow [the highlights] down to three. Every day was one highlight after another, including the geology lectures, the backroom museum tour (wow!) and the careful attention to details. Some trips are memorable for the destinations, others for the experiences. This tour was both.

"I've travelled extensively, and I can now say Utah is the most beautiful, visually exciting place I've seen. There was so much to look at, I didn't want to blink, but the team's attention to the little details also made the trip a joy. The small group experience meant we could always both see and hear, something you can't [always] count on when you sign up to a tour." - Kate B, September 2023

Boulders, Beasts and Battles: Geological Landscapes, Stories and Controversies of North-West Scotland

"We had the absolutely best trip to the Highlands! We have been on many tours, and our guide, Ali, was one of the best ever! We would highly recommend this adventure!" - Lisa H, September 2023

"We thoroughly enjoyed the Highlands tour. Learned so much about the landscape, the history of the Clearances, the Clans and the Battle of Culloden. I got home and ordered a small selection of books for further reading! The company was great and the accommodation was excellent, especially the Coul House Hotel. Amazing hospitality there, beautiful grounds, walks from the doorstep, and great food." - Ron F, September 2022

The Collision of Tectonics and Culture: The Influence of Salt on Landscapes, History and People in the Catalan Pyrenees

"What a trip! It equalled my best expectations in many ways. The first full day was amazing - I loved the Gaudi crypt, and seeing the textile factory in Colonia Guell. Montserrat in the afternoon was awe-inspiring. It is difficult to separate other days as 'the best' - the geology turned out to be an unfolding treasure hunt, with something new to answer the questions posed the day before.

"The underlying theme of 'salt' drew the whole story together, expertly told by Josep Anton with Mark. As a leader, as well as expert geologist, Mark was second to none, and Josep Anton's long and successful career as a geologist...enabled him to present and explain the landscape in front of him in graphic detail. Bravo to both leaders!" - Rod S, September 2023

"There were a great many memorable sights and experiences on this tour. A few of my favourites were the Gaudi crypt, the Collegats Gorge and the visit to the salt mine, where the salt structures are beyond anything I imagined, and especially the lectures featuring Josep Anton's meticulous and highly-detailed drawings and diagrams of the landscapes we were studying. They were extremely helpful in clarifying the dynamics of the formations we were viewing, and how they came to be.

"What a great introduction to Catalonia; this was quite a unique experience. I left with a great affection for the area, and have plans now for further travels here. I'll also be looking forward to another fascinating trip with GeoCultura." - Pat H, September 2023

"Having world-class experts in the geology we were seeing was an eye-opening experience. Josep Anton’s wonderful field-sketching and structured lectures were a perfect complement to Mark’s more broad and colorful stories and explanations. The Olvena Gorge stop was particularly memorable. The Cardona salt mountain and mine were spectacular. Montserrat Mountain was astounding from both a geological and cultural point of view. Seeing the dinosaur fossils and eggshells in situ was memorable.

"Overall, this was a memorable and once-in-a-lifetime experience. We’d highly recommend it to anyone with curiosity about the natural world, who wants a glimpse into how science really works." - Peggy & Eamonn, September 2023

"Josep Anton and Mark [the tour leaders] love what they do, and it showed in their interactions and their willingness and readiness to explain sometimes very difficult geological concepts. The drawings and explanations really brought the geology seen in the mountains alive.

"The areas covered during the trip were stunning, both geologically and culturally. The visits to the salt flats, salt museum, and salt mine in Cardona illuminated the importance of salt; the Cardona salt mine was surreal – a multi-coloured salt castle straight out of a fairy tale.

"It was fascinating to be taken through the history of Colonia Guell. The Castell d’Encus winery tour and tasting was a sensory feast for all who love subtle and superb wine. The explanation of the wine was given by the owner of vineyard, which made it even more special. Last but not least, the visit to the ancient Greek and Roman ruins and the salt festival crowned the tour. For the fish lovers, there were traditional anchovy and sardine canapés at the l’Escala salt festival. The fish theme on the last day continued with the final dinner at the fish market restaurant – a beautiful and tasty finish to the tour that satiated not only the intellect but also the senses." - Ania R, September 2023

Treasures of Southern England: London, Bath and the Jurassic Coast

"[This was a] wonderful small group tour with local experts of beautiful and fascinating places off the main tourist path, from cathedrals and Norman churches to ancient fossil beds and sea-cliffs shaped by the movement of the continents." - Paula D, September 2023

“Paula and I had a fantastic trip to Bath and the Jurassic Coast. Our guides brought their own distinctive experiences to our tour – Seren was a perfect guide and [we appreciated] Jonathan’s rich experience with south coast geology.

“[In Dorset], there was a wonderful stop with the St. Catherine’s chapel gracing a solitary hilltop overlooking the Channel. Lyme Regis lived up to our high expectations, and the ammonite pavement was spectacular! We look forward to doing another Geocultura adventure.” - Tom D, September 2023